DG Vision is DATAVERSITY’s latest forum on Data Governance and Stewardship

I am planning to attend DATAVERSITY’s DG Vision Data Governance and Stewardship conference, to be held in Washington, D.C. on December 9-12 2019, where I hope to meet many of the industry leaders in our field.

DG Vision is the first of DATAVERSITY’s conferences to be held in Washington, D.C. As with all of their educational programs, the emphasis of this conference will be on peer-to-peer sharing of practical experiences through case studies. Many of the foremost experts in Data Governance will be in attendance, adding insights and authority through in-depth tutorials and workshops.

As Data Governance and Stewardship are business functions first, this four-day event is designed for a broader business audience and not just IT and data communities. The agenda promises exciting keynotes, thought-provoking case studies and workshops, and dozens of networking opportunities. For those working in federal and state government, the agenda will include a special focus on the subject matter needs of government agencies.

I am looking forward to returning home with new insights, strategies, and professional connections. Expect DG Vision to set a new standard for quality, excitement, and influence in Data Governance education and organizational success. 


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